1. 绑定新的账户,进入【设置】【用户和账户】-【用户和账户】-【添加帐户】-【电子邮件】
1. Bind a new account,Go to 【Settings】 - 【Users and Accounts】- 【Email】
2. 运行邮箱,输入上科大邮箱账号和密码,选择协议类型:IMAP
2. Run the mailbox, fill in the ShanghaiTech email account and password, and select the protocol type: IMAP
3. 点“手动设置”,设置服务器配置,点击右上角“√”
IMAP服务器: imap.shanghaitech.edu.cn勾选:SSL/TLS端口:993
3. Click on 'Manual Settings',Configure servers and click Finish
IMAP Server: imap.shanghaitech.edu.cn,SSL Port: 993
SMTP Server: smtp.shanghaitech.edu.cn,SSL/TLS Port: 465
4. 完成设置,可自己设置“邮件查收频率”然后点击“下一步”,即完成配置。
4. After finishing the settings, you can choose the 'Email Checking Frequency' and click 'Next' to complete the configuration.